

Posters Now Available at a Sliding scale!

Text On The Scroll: “Jennifer “Babygirl” Gann is an anti-authoritarian trans woman and insurrectionist amazon held captive for over 25 years for armed robberies and a 1995 attack on a district attorney and associate prison warden. She took part in the 1991 Folsom Prison hunger strike, after which she was beaten and tortured, convicted for armed resistance, and sentenced to multiple 25-to-life sentences under the Three Strikes Law. She has spent over ten years in solitary confinement at Folsom and the Pelican Bay Secure Housing Unit. Despite all of this, Jennifer continues to struggle for freedom, remaining a committed anti-authoritarian, anti-imperialist, anti-racist, anti-fascist, and anti-capitalist.”

11×17: $10-$20

Large Poster (around 42×27): $25-$40

For now you can donate these amounts to her online fundraiser at:

And send us a message

In the future we’ll be able to direct you to a more legit online store situation.

Also, if you would like to hustle these on babygirl’s behalf we’ll send you some posters for the cost of mailing just send an email to OR  if you have digital or screen printing resources and want to print them yourself in order to hustle them or just be a cool kid you can download the files here:

